I am so glad you're here.

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Tess Passinault. I began my photography career in 2017 and have never looked back since. From a very young age, I knew that this was what I would do for the rest of my life. Photography is way more than just a job to me; it quite literally is my whole world. I don't just take photos, I capture moments. I see the beauty in everything. I am constantly creating compositions in my head of the life that surrounds me. I believe I was put on this Earth to capture its beauty.

It's so much more to me than just taking photos.




Tess P Photos

JUNE 2021 - APRIL 2023

Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL

MAY 2023

Moved back to Michigan

JULY 2023

Established as Tess Passinault Photo LLC


Opened up my own photography studio

APRIL 2024

Moved into my second photo studio

THINGS I LOVE         


My family consist of my favorite people in the world. My biggest support system and the people who I love most.

Wyatt. My best friend, the love of my life, my favorite person in the whole entire world. He is so supportive of me and my business and has been since day 1.

I am an art lover. I paint (oil, acrylic, watercolor). I sew. I knit. I work with clay. I do so many crafts and projects.

I love to travel. Northern + Western Michigan are beautiful. I love going up north and on Lake Michigan in the summer. I also fell in love with Western USA and can only hope that my work will take me there more often in the future.

Fall is the best season. Everything about it is perfect and I wish it was fall all the time.

Fashion is so fun. Once I started learning how to style my clothes on myself, I couldn't stop. I love fashion and I so strongly believe that if you love the way you look, you will fall in love with yourself more.


I think we will work together fantastically.

Let's get you booked.